
Nitrix 360

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BSN Nitrix Advanced Vaso-Muscular Volumizer Promotes A Full Body Pump! Nitrix AVPT of BSN For More Muscle Growth and More Muscle Power!

NITRIX is what’s called an a.m. to p.m. vaso-muscular dilator. This product works by expanding your blood vessels, which acts to increase blood flow, oxygen and nutrient delivery to your muscle cells. By ensuring the efficient travel of blood and nutrients throughout the body, you will experience improved workout performance, amazing pumps, all-day muscle fullness and vascularity, greater energy, a heightened resistance to fatigue and a greater ability to recover. NITRIX is the foundation to all of your supplementation needs. Live for the pump!


Folic Acid (Vitamin B9) (200 mcg): Supports the function of nitric oxide synthase. Folic acid may also help maintain homocysteine levels already in a normal range, promoting a healthy cardiovascular system.
ACE 3 (Triple Action Nitrix Oxide Matrix) (3,000 mg):
L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AKG): A conditionally essential amino acid that is a precursor to nitric oxide; nitric oxide dilates (opens) the blood vessels to allow more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to the muscle tissue. By bonding L-arginine to AKG, the conversion to nitric oxide is enhanced, maximizing nitric oxide levels in the blood.
L-Arginine Ethyl Ester: The esterfication of this amino acid leads to an increased absorption, as well as enhancing L-arginine’s function and overcoming its limitations.
L-Citrulline: An amino acid that may be converted into arginine. It is considered the body’s “preferred” precursor to arginine for nitric oxide generation.
CRTS (Critical Release Technology and Support System) (1,565 mg):

Methocel: A micro-polymer hydrophillic ether matrix which plays an integral role in NITRIX’s controlled release technology; manufactured by Dow Pharmaceuticals.

AVPT (Advanced Volumizing & Performance Technology):
AVPT Contains:
A proprietary blend of four advanced creatine analogs and Beta-Alanine designed to increase creatine transport, uptake and effectiveness, leading to accelerated muscle recovery and hydrogen ion buffering.
Sodium Creatine Phosphate Matrix: A sodium salt of creatine phosphate, which enhances water solubility. Once inside the bloodstream, a sodium chloride dependant transporter is responsible for carrying the creatine to the muscles cells. By combining creatine with sodium, the uptake and absorption of creatine is greatly enhanced.
Creatine Ethyl Ester-Beta-Alanine Dual Action Composite (CarnoSyn): BSN’s newest proprietary blend, designed to increase the water and lipid solubility of creatine. Not only has BSN increased water and lipophilicity, hydrogen ion buffering has also been addressed with the addition of Beta-Alanine. Recent research indicates that the “burning” sensation of muscular fatigue may not be simply lactic acid accumulation, but also an accumulation of hydrogen ions; a metabolic by-product. Beta-Alanine supplementation increases the production of carnosine, a dipeptide known to help buffer lactic acid accumulation and neutralize hydrogen ion proliferation. Thus by combining a fat and water soluble creatine with Beta-Alanine, it enables the creatine to function beyond its normal rate limiting system, leading to superior absorption and effectiveness.
Creatinol-O-Phosphate-Malic Acid Interfusion: A creatine analog known for its role in supporting cardiovascular function, increasing oxygen availability, endurance, work capacity and time to exhaustion. ATP is our body’s energy, the energy to have a muscular contraction and the energy to repair muscle tissue. Creatine helps to carry phosphates, which it donates to ADP, adenosine diphosphate, to make more ATP, adenosine triphosphate, thus more energy. This process if further enhanced by Malic Acid, a Krebs Cycle intermidate, involved in the production of ATP. This interfusion functions synergystically with creatine to create more available ATP for explosive energy.
Creatine AAB (Creatine Alpha-Amino-N-Butyrate): The final creatine analog in AVPT. As with the previous analogs, absorption and effectiveness are greatly increased; increasing ATP production and thus anabolism. Unlike the other creatine analogs of the matrix, Creatine Alpha-Amino-N-Butyrate possesses anti-catabolic effects also. Leucine, the branched chain amino acid, is metabolized to ketoisocaproate, which is then metabolized to alpha amino-n-butyrate; this metabolite increases protein synthesis and minimizes protein damage from intense training. Not only is creatine absorption and effectiveness increased by this bond, but an element of anabolism and anti-catabolism is obtained.
Phosphaplexx (Di-Calcium Phosphate, Di-Potassium Phosphate, Di-Sodium Phosphate): Donate themselves to creatine to maximize phosphocreatine levels, thus increasing ATP levels, strength and endurance. Calcium, potassium and sodium are involved in the regulation of force generation.
Nicotinamide Adeninie Dinucleotide (NAD): Supports the production of nitric oxide synthase, the family of enzymes responsible for converting arginine to nitric oxide.

180 Capsules

BSN Nitrix Directions

Recommended for persons under 200 lbs: Take 3 tablets 3 times per day (everyday). Always take on an empty stomach (i.e approximately 30-45 minutes before meals or 2 hours after a meal.) Taking with food or on a full stomach may diminish its effects. Take the first 3 tablets in the morning upon arising, the second 3 tablets before lunch, and the final 3 tablets before dinner. Recommended for persons over 200 lbs: Follow the same guidelines as above, but take 4 tablets 3 times per day (everyday) on an empty stomach.

Niacin 12mg 60%
BSN Nitrix® 2.0 Proprietary Blend 3.6g *
Concentrated Nitrix Composite*
L-Citrulline, Hawthorne Extract (Aerial Parts) (1% Flavonoids, 3% Oligomeric Proanthyocyanidins), Pomegranate Fruit (20% Punicaligins), Grape Seed Extract (85% Polyphenols), Pterostilbene (PTeroPure®*), Red Pepper Extract (Fruit) (2% Capsaicinoids) (Capsimax*), Trans-Resveratrol (ResVida®), Black Pepper Extract (Fruit) (95% Piperine) (Bioperine®)
Myogenic Matrix *
Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine HCI (Con-Cret®), Creatine Anhydrous
*Daily Vaue Not Established
OTHER INGREDIENTS:Stearic Acid, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Magnesium Stearate, Croscarmellose Sodium, Polydextrose, Silicon Dioxide, FD&C Red #40, Hydropropyl Cellulose, FD&C Yellow #6, Titanium Dioxide, FD&C Blue #2


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