
Nano 1T

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Nano 1T is a nanoparticulated version of 1-testosterone, a non-toxic prohormone. 700% more anabolic than even testosterone, Nano 1T will skyrocket your strength and muscle mass in a very short period of time while avoiding any conversion to estrogen ensuring you not only get stronger and bigger but your muscles get incredibly thick and dense at the same time. Imagine the look of The Incredible Hulk and this is what Nano 1T can do.


Nano 1T can be used for short periods of time of no more than 8 weeks. We suggest using it no more than 2-3 times per year with 8+ weeks off after using it.


Strictly for males over the age of 21 who have maximised their natural muscle gains but are now looking to get the kind of bodybuilding physique which is impossible without the use of strong prohormones to vastly increase the rate at which muscle and strength is gained. This is not suitable for drug tested athletes.

1-AD – The First Ever Prohormone

Patrick Arnold, the owner of Ergopharm introduced 1-AD, the first effective prohormone that allowed supplement users to finally get the same benefits experienced by those using steroids but without the complications associated with the sourcing and manufacture of illicit drugs.

The list of benefits associated with 1-AD included:

  1. Lean muscle gains with no water retention
  2. No conversion to estrogen making bloating, gynecomastia nothing to worry about
  3. Dry muscle gains – physiques become leaner while also becoming more muscular
  4. Rapid gains in strength
  5. Muscles become very dense as the reduction in water and the massive increase in protein synthesis packs on thick, usable muscle.
  6. No toxicity to liver or kidney
  7. 1-Testosterone is 700%+ more anabolic than testosterone.[1]
  8. Described by Patrick Arnold, the inventor, as “qualitatively similar” to trenbolone acetate, a hugely popular underground anabolic.
  9. Can be stacked with any other prohormone with Androtest being a particularly good option for getting the benefits of both testosterone and 1-testosterone in a single cycle, indeed this was the basis for the hugely popular Avant Labs ONE PLUS which we encourage you to google reviews of but remember that Nano 1T will have VASTLY superior delivery than that product so results will be even more extreme.

1-AD became an overnight hit and the fastest selling supplement of all-time. Users of 1-AD experienced the kinds of gains which had been considered impossible in the past with gains in muscle mass of several kilograms in a matter of 6-8 weeks being commonly reported. As effective as 1-AD was thought it remained a prohormone to something even more potent, 1-Testosterone.

1-AD was an oral prohormone which required a high dose and only once it converted to 1-testosterone did users experience the rapid gains in muscle mass and strength that won 1-AD such plaudits. Soon enough a wave of 1-testosterone products was released with many industry big hitters launching copycat products.

1-Testosterone Gels Become All The Rage

One issue with 1-testosterone supplements is that due to the method if ingestion, oral capsules, only a very small amount of 1-testosterone was available to the body to synthesise new muscle tissue. The rest of the compound would be broken down and excreted. This meant that 1-testosterone had to be dosed at extremely high doses, with some going to doses of 400-600mg a day because of the fact that oral bioavailability was likely to be no more than 2-3% at best.

This led to the introduction of a wave of extremely popular topical 1-testosterone based gels such as Avant Labs’ ONE and ONE PLUS, and Biotest’s MAG-10. These blew the popularity of 1-testosterone to new heights and used doses of around 100mg+ but with a higher bioavailability of around 10%. This meant that users were experiencing faster results than ever.

Nanoparticulation for Maximum Absorption

The process of nanoparticulation, combining compounds with nanocrytals to increase delivery has a solid basis in scientific research showing it can both increase the total amount of delivery of a compound as well as reducing the time it takes for it to kick it.

Nanoparticulated Form of the Anabolic Steroid Danazol Shown to be 1700% More Effective

When it comes to prohormones there have been actual studies comparing the effects of a nanoparticulated vs non-nanoparticulated orally ingested compound, the steroid Danazol.[2]

This study showed that nanoparticulation of Danazol was more than SEVENTEEN TIMES as effective as the use of methylcellulose for delivering Danazol. Methylcellulose is actually a superior formulation to the standard capsulated prohormone so, in a nutshell, you can expect Nano 1T to be not just a little bit, but exponentially better for delivering 1-testosterone to users of Nano 1T.

Bearing in mind the results even those using oral 1-testosterone products noticed, can you imagine the results that a nanoparticulated form of 1-testosterone could deliver?

Study 2 Shows Nano Formula is 2-4 Times More Effective Than Standard Tablets

“In the fasted state, the nanocrystal formulations of megestrol acetate produced 4- to 6-fold higher peak plasma concentration values >2 hours earlier than the two currently available suspensions (table I). Exposure to the drug was 2- to 4-fold higher with the nanocrystal formulations than with the suspensions, and variability was lower, particularly with nanocrystal formulation #2.

Administration after a high-fat meal markedly increased bioavailability; peak concentrations were 5- to 7-fold higher and occurred earlier, and AUC values were 2- to 3-fold higher (figure 3).”

The Final Evolution in Prohormone Technology

The search is always on for the magic elixir that promises rapid gains in muscle mass and strength, no toxic side effects, no issues with conversion to estrogen and DHT and which has both empirical feedback and science to support its formulation.

When we consider all these factors and look back on the time when 1-testosterone dominated the prohormone market like no other, there is little doubt in our minds that with Nano 1T prohormone science has reached its pinnacle by bringing back an old favourite but vastly ramping up the efficacy like nothing you will ever see before or ever again.

Using Nano-1T

Nano 1T is a highly potent compound which can drive muscle and strength gains very quickly doing in weeks what wouuld take several years. As with any prohormone product we suggest users run a thorough PCT. For comprehensive advice you can read our article on optimising PCT.

Recommendations for Optimising Nano 1T

We have written extensively on ways that prohormones can be optimised here. Here is a brief recap:

  1. We suggest increasing protein intake to 4g per kg of bodyweight.
  2. Nano 1T can be stacked with any other prohormone. We suggest stacking it with Androtest to deliver a powerful 1-2 punch of testosterone and 1-testosterone. Doing this you will experience a better mood, increased libido and greater energy levels than if using Nano 1T by itself while the higher testosterone levels will also aid in acting synergistically with Nano 1T to enhance muscle and strength gain. This stack would also not be liver toxic so would even allow for the possibility of adding another prohormone if desired although we do not think this should be done by novice users of prohormones.
  3. By focusing on higher volumes (more sets/reps) during your use of Nano 1T rather than increasing weight you will be able to gain more muscle mass and just as importantly, by not maxing out in the gym while using Nano 1T help ensure that you will be able to maintain your muscle gains into PCT during which you would reduce training volumes and increasing weight on the bar. By increasing the weight on the bar each week of PCT you send a powerful signal to your body to maintain the muscle built during Nano 1T use.


Take 0.5ml in the morning and 0.5ml in the evening, preferably with food to maximise absorption. As Nano 1T does not have any liver related sides users can experiment with higher doses although we would suggest only going up by 0.5ml at a time and no more than a maximum of 2ml per day.

Fusion Supplements Nano 1T 30ml

Serving Size: 0.5ml
Servings Per Container: 60
Amount Per Serving DV*
Nano 1-Testosterone 75mg *
* Daily Value not established
WARNING: For healthy adult males over the age of 21 only. Not for inexperienced or first time prohormone users.


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