

Original price was: 99,90€.Current price is: 69,90€.

Delivery time: sold replacement HALO 60 caps.

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The structural compound behind HALOVAR is (4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol). Halovarexhibits an extremely high anabolic to androgenic ratio translating into hard and consistent muscle gains with NO aromatization. These gains are notably extremely dry and lean in nature, making this product a favorite for the pre-contest athlete, or as an anabolic adjunct to any mass stack. Users realize a solid, consistent accumulation of quality musculature for an extended period of time.

The type of changes in body composition you can expect from Purus Labs Halovar are large increase in mass with zero to little bloating because Halovar does not aromatize into any type of estrogen therefore, the user will experience progressive and exceptional gains in muscle size without the excess water weight which would “disappear” when the user stops taking the product.

Halovar is the best size and strength gaining supplement currently sold that is not outright illegal or overly toxic. Most people using Halovar will notice an immediate and positive change in size, strength, and workout recover time within 72 hours of initiating use and the vast majority of user will notice that they are gaining size and strength which each and every workout while using Halovar. You can expect muscle size gains that are qualitatively visibly harder and denser than similar products on the market. Thus, the overall effects from Halovar are usually quite dramatic and quickly noticeable to the user and observers. With Halovar you can expect that your poundages with the weights at the gym and size of your muscle bellies when checked on the tape measure will go increase quite fast and quite steadily. Along with marked increases in strength and muscle size users of Halovar should see an immediate and substantial increase in aerobic capacity and endurance manifesting itself through the ability to do increased reps, sets or cardiovascular exercise. Like compounds that are similar to (albeit inferior to) Halovar, many users will also experience slight decreases in adiposity, especially around the mid-section

“InSLINsified” Proprietary Insulin Mimetic and Potentiation Complex
In an effort to elevate and differentiate our products the new PURUS LABSproducts have been “InSLINsified.” Quite simply, we wanted to be the first to include “pro-insulin” ingredients in conjunction with “pro-anabolic” products. It is insulin, not testosterone, not growth hormone that reins king of all the body’s anabolic hormones. From nutrient repartitioning, increased glycogen storage, increased protein synthesis, to muscle cell volumization, the anabolic effects of insulin cannot be overlooked. This is precisely why we have chosen to include our InSLINsified matrix, consisting of only research proven insulin potentiators and mimetics, in all our “pro-anabolic” products at no additional cost to you. InSLINsifiedconsists of chromium picolinate, cinnamon bark extract, fenugreek, and ALA (alpha lipolic acid), all of which have medical research warranting their inclusion in our matrix.

InSLINsifiedBenefits Include:
– Increased post-exercise glycogen resynthesis
– Enhance GLUT 4 trafficking and insulin stimulated glucose transport
– Lower insulin resistance/ increase insulin sensitivity
– Increase carbohydrate metabolism
– Improve glucose utilization
– Enhance insulin signaling pathway in skeletal muscle

60 Caps

60 Capsules

Take 1 capsule before first carb meal of the day and 1 capsule immediately post workout in conjunction with a high glycemic carb shake.

Serving Size:     1 capsule
Per Container:     60
Ingredients (Amount Per Serving)     25 mg 4-chloro-17a-methyl-androst-1, 4-diene-3-17b-diol
250.5 mg InSLINsified Proprietary Insulin Mimetic
Fenugreek seed (Trigonella Foenum-Graecum) (Seed)
ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)
Cinnamon bark extract (Cinnamonum Verum)


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